Alaska's Healing Heart’s focus is the healing and wellbeing of our brothers and sisters, our efforts are focused on creating events and opportunities to have a strong community of support where we can all express ourselves and help one another. However, there are situations that may need specialized attention and for that reason, we have compiled a list of other helpful organizations that may be able to assist in a more effective manner.
This is a bank of local and national organizations that can provide additional assistance.
Alaska's Healing Hearts is always looking for new local community outreach partners.
Please CONTACT US if you would like to suggest a resource.
Mental Health
Click on the picture for more information
“Cops understand Cops. We’ve been exposed to similar situations in our careers. Whether you’re active duty or retired and feel like no one understands what you're going through, we want to answer your CALL.”
Fire/EMS Helpline – 1-888-731-FIRE (3473)
Share the Load™ Resources (Helpletter, poster, ads, family guide, suicide prevention report, training)
Share the Load Videos featuring warning signs to watch for, personal stories, how to talk to someone who needs help, and resources that are available.
Additional Fire Service and EMS Behavioral Health Resources (organizations, helplines, reports, courses and webinars)
Articles and news on behavioral health topics

Safe Call Now is a CONFIDENTIAL, comprehensive, 24-hour crisis referral service for all public safety employees, all emergency services personnel and their family members nationwide.
Make a Safe Call Now: 206-459-3020
Click on the logo/picture for more information
Basic Necessities: grab a pair of socks, a bar of soap, or even cough drops in our office inside the Cafe.
Referrals: Mental Health, Medical, Financial, Substance Abuse, Jobs, Housing, and anything else a client might need.
Housing Specialists: We work with specialists from a partner agency who work with clients to find appropriate permanent accommodations.
We provide a warm breakfast and lunch to anyone in need 365 days a year. Not all of our clients are homeless – many individuals struggle to make ends meet, and Bean’s Cafe offers a place where they can receive a free meal without judgement. .
MatSu Food Bank's food pantry provides free meals to those in need. It’s open Monday-Friday from 10-1pm at our location behind the Good Lutheran Church at 501 East Bogard Road Wasilla, AK, 99654
To find a pantry or meal program click in Anchorage (pdf.)area.
To find a pantry or meal program click Mat-Su area.
Or call 2-1-1 or visit Alaska211.org for assistance statewide.
Click on the logo/picture for more information
If your family needs emergency assistance, you can submit a request online or call the American Red Cross at 1-877-272-7337
Click on the logo/picture for more information
If you are a Veteran who is homeless, or at-risk for homelessness and need assistance, you can submit a request online or call the Supportive Services for Veteran Families at:
Click on the logo/picture for more information
For information about jobs, training, career resources, or unemployment benefits call:
1-877-US2-JOBS (1-877-872-5627) or TTY 1-877-889-5627
Defense Department Spouse Employment Resources
Each service branch has programs focused on spouse employment initiatives.
Army: Employment Readiness Program
Navy: Spouse Employment Assistance Program [PDF 51.32KB]
Air Force: Air Force Aid Society Spouse Employment Program Find AFAS location
Marine Corps: Family Member Employment Assistance Program
Coast Guard: Coast Guard Support password is USCG or call 1-855-247-8778 (web and telephone- based support)
Click on the picture for more information
If you have any helpful resources specifically for
Women Veterans
Please reach out so we can add it to this page.
VA & Records
Veteran Service Officers
Veterans of Foreign Wars
American Legion
Disabled American Veterans
Vietnam Veterans of America-UAS
Anchorage Vet Center
4400 Business Park Blvd, Suite B-34
Anchorage, AK 99503
Phone: 907-563-6966 or 907-563-6966
Fax: 907-561-7183
Wasilla Vet Center
851 E. West Point Drive Suite 102
Wasilla, AK 99654
Phone: 907-376-4318 Or 877-927-8387
Fax: 907-373-1883
Fairbanks Vet Center
540 4th Ave., Suite 100
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Phone: 907-456-4238 Or 877-927-8387
Fax: 907-456-0475
Kenai Vet Center Outstation
43299 Kalifornsky Beach Rd. Ste 4
Soldotna, AK 99669
Phone: 907-260-7640 Or 877-927-8387
Fax: 907-260-7642
Active Military Assistance
Click on the picture for more information
Army Emergency Relief – This organization offers interest-free loans, grants and scholarships to qualified Army members and their families, including veterans. Call 866-878-6378 for information.
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society – This organization provides financial assistance, educational help, budgeting and financial counseling, emergency travel funds and disaster relief for qualified individuals who are serving or have served in the Navy or Marines. Call 703-696-4904 for information.
Air Force Aid Society – The official charity of the Air Force, the Air Force Aid Society offers emergency assistance and education help for Air Force service members and their families. Call 703-972-2650 for information.
Coast Guard Mutual Assistance – The official relief society of the U.S. Coast Guard, this charitable organization provides financial aid to needy members of the Coast Guard family. Call 800-881-2462 for more information.
JBER Connect Resources (Helping Agencies)
Mental Health & ADAPT: 907-580-2181
Family Advocacy: 907-580-5858
JBER Religious Operations Center (JROC): 907-552-5762
Military & Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) 907-552-4943
Military and Family Life Counselor: 907-382-2799
Employee Assistance Program: 907-384-0863 / 1-800-222-0364
Equal Opportunity (EO): 907-552-2115
Military OneSource (24/7 Operation) 1-800-342-9647
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
JBER Sexual Assault Hotline: 907-384-7272
DoD Safe Helpline: 877-995-5247 or text 55-247
Understanding Your Legal Rights on Active Duty
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA).
temporary stay of the proceedings
SCRA also protects you from foreclosure.
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA)
must reemploy you in the job you would have had if you hadn't left,
Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act,
Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act,
Family and Medical Leave Act. (FMLA)
U.S. Armed Forces Legal Assistance Office
Judge Advocates (JAGs).
If you are having trouble finding your local JAG office, the following may help:
Operation We Are Here: Legal Advice or Assistance - A list of resources for veterans and those in active duty who need legal help.
GI Rights Hotline - A network of organizations providing legal counseling to military servicemembers.
Lawyers Serving Warriors, National Veterans Legal Services Program - Pro-bono help for veterans and soldiers.
Operation Military Embrace - Support for those who are accused of battlefield crimes.
Protect Our Defenders - Legal assistance for servicemembers who have faced sexual violence or harassment.