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“The quality of your life will be determined by the quality of your contribution. When you work to improve the lives of others, your life improves automatically.”


– Kurek Ashley

Alaska's Healing Hearts has NO paid staff members.

100% Volunteer Board of Directors

100% Volunteer Leadership

100% Volunteer Staff

100% Volunteer Efforts

Ways to Donate

Donate Online


Monthly Reoccurring Gifts


Goods or Services


Major Gifts


Fundraising at your place of Business


Donate to a specific event.




Corporate Partners


Pick Click Give


Amazon Smile


Fred Meyer Community Rewards


Select Us as your United Way Charity of Choice



Where Your Money Goes

Monthly Fisher House Meals


Veteran Assistance


Current Island Development


Western Warrior Weekend


Training Assistance 


Building Maintenance Shop


Equipment Purchases




The People Who Benefit

Every dollar of donated funds goes directly to helping the Military and Veterans right here in Alaska!


We have many programs and activities that include returning soldiers interacting with their Brothers and Sisters of combat.

The Majority of all AHH volunteers are Veterans and Spouses. They know the struggles first hand, they have the time and patience to listen, to help, and to ask the hard questions when needed.


 Everyone speaks about the 22 Veterans a day that commit suicide, this is a group that gets up, gets out there, and does something real to stop it.

You will see us at local small events talking with people. You see us working with other organizations to help collect canned food.


A place you are less likely to see us is on T.V. bragging about the mission we completed today while helping a fellow brother or sister. Their pain and struggle is not our advertising strategy, it is not the next shirt idea or any reason we should benefit.


We do great things, every day!



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Alaska's Healing Hearts is a national organization offering year-round outdoor recreational opportunities for America’s brave wounded warriors and their families. Rehabilitation activities include fishing, skiing, rodeo, The Island of Hope and Healing, and various other outdoor pursuits. We work to provide new and challenging options and experiences in an effort to contribute to the social reintegration necessary for our nation’s heroes.
We strive to reach beyond the clinical rehabilitation offered to injured military personnel and provide hope for warriors to continue to live active and productive lives. 

Alaska’s Healing Hearts witness first-hand how our various programs and events genuinely help bolster confidence and self-esteem.  Our goal is to continue to provide opportunities to discover the new normal for every Warrior and their loved ones.


Alaska's Healing Hearts is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt #27-4036000, non-profit organization

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